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Mitosis is the splitting and reproduction of cells.

Plant Mania


This project involves adding magnesium to 20 types of water that's the same as the rest; tap water. with added magnesium and the three glasses of water without added magnesium. This is to test if plants will grow faster in extra magnesium-rich waters. We will do this by adding a certain amount of magnesium to the waters and growing mung beans in those waters. We will be testing one altered water with magnesium.

Broader Impacts

The purpose of this proposal is to show how to better grow plants using differing amounts of magnesium. As of now, water hardness comes from magnesium build ups inside of sinks which makes water “hard.” The water is only hard when it's over the expected {Insert a number here} ppm. Now we predict that the same build up might come from soil to plants; if there are too many minerals inside of water, the plants will not grow as well in certain waters. There might be a way of increasing plant production by using certain types of water with higher or lower magnesium levels than tap water. We believe there is cannot be? too much magnesium for the plants because the plants absorb magnesium at their own pace.

What would I do diffrently

Doing this experiment again, I would try and control the temperature of the experiment more as it fluctuated a lot during my testing period.

Chi ^2

During our experiment the mung beans grown in the magnesium water grew significantly less than the beans grown in the normal water. How significantly? Our Chi^2 result was 11.22, most high end Chi^2 results are around 4 or 5, while ours was 11. Our result was more than double the Higher Chi^2 results.  


Monocots and Dicots


We did this experiment to determine the difference between Monocots and Dicots through growing a bean and corn seed.



I predicted that the corn seed would be a monocot and that the mung bean would have been a dicot. When observing the mung beans they split into two different directions while the corn didn't split into any discernible direction.


The mung bean is a dicot while the corn seed is a monocot. The mung bean sprouted in pods and developed leaves that were in multiples of two. The monocots have leaves in multiples of three.


When we had to leave our plants at the school for a weekend we put 100mlmof water in the cup, This drowned the seeds. 




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